Thatchers Playlist

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

As I Lay Dying has two Cd's out, in both these Cd's they are many different types of diction. Diction is a style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words. As I Lay Dying shows this in many ways. As I Lay Dying is one of the heaviest christian bands. People say christian music is all about loving the lord. But As I Lay Dying actually have mosh pits and hyped up fans at there shows. You can tell by the name they are not a normal christian. They have amazing drumming and guitar ability. In the songs "Empty Hearts" and "The Darkest Nights" shows diction. There two different styles in these songs, there is more singing in "The Darkest Nights" than in "Empty Hearts"In the song "Empty Hearts" is straight down screaming. "Stillborn comfort feeding lies through answers of self denial". This is diction because he is using the word denial in a different style than other songs they have. "divided between a dissolute self and the sorrow of sincere devotion". In this quote it shows diction because most people wouldn't know what this means. In the song The darkest nights there is more sing than screaming unlike the other song. Some diction they have is "And meaning to a calloused life". That shows diction cause I would think this shows diction because I don't even know what that means.In conclusion the people who think christian music is all about god and faith. It is not there is many different styles of christian music. The band As I Lay Dying is a good example that its not all about god and faith. There is also many other bands that show that there ain't all about faith. There is different styles of christian music. There genre is scream.